Community Chaplain Resources
This Work
Life happens. Many of the calls, events, and incidents within the realm of the law enforcement and the fire service are extremely unique. Granted, most calls might be considered "routine" (though nothing is to be considered "routine") and "all in a day's work." But quite often, firefighters and peace officers enter into some of the most extraordinary situations dealing with danger, tragedy, disaster, deviant criminal behavior and evil.
Men and women who have a desire to serve citizens are frequently involved in very difficult and tragic situations. Equally significant are the community members who are victimized or who experience tragic loss and are in need of support as well. Often, the whole community is impacted when a public tragic event occurs.
This "spiritual but not religious" chaplaincy is provided through chaplains who have the giftedness, experience and natural ability to develop relationships with personnel in the fire service and law enforcement as well as the community at large. A successful chaplaincy rests the personality and relational skill of the chaplain. A chaplaincy is effective when a chaplain is able to connect, relate and earn trust among the fire and law enforcement personnel or employees.
Community Chaplain Resources is not a vehicle with an agenda of proselytizing or manipulating others religiously. A chaplain is simply a servant.
Board Of Directors
Pete Stafford
Doug Abbott
Oakland Fire Fighter
Ron Kinch
Retired Chevron Corp
Bill Mitchell
President Bill Mitchell Group
Over the years I have had many conversations with peace officers, firefighters and people in the community about faith. I discovered long ago that most people I talk to have some kind of faith or belief in God. Many “used to go church” or grew up with some religious influence. A majority of these people will confide that they did not enjoy “church” or worse yet, had a very bad experience. We all know that you do not have to go to church to find God or have a relationship with Him.
I believe in God and follow Jesus Christ. But God is the God of all mankind. Chaplain work involves working with people with all kinds of notions about God, even those who may be atheists. We are called to engage every person we relate to with grace and sincerity while respecting their views on God or any other subject.